The Structure of the Novel
Also by Edwin Muir – UN AUTOBIOGRAPHY
Mr. Muir is a distinguished poet and a scrupulous , independent’
critic , indeed of all our critics , I would say , the least swayed by
others , the least showy , the most honest and clear-headed . To
his criticism he brings the humility of the creative artist . These
qualities come out in his autobiography’ – v. s. pritchett
I think Dr. Muir one of the two best living writers of plain’
prose…. But it is not either for its beautiful writing or its
insight into the workings of the poetic imagination that I chiefly
recommend this book . I recommend it as a primer on the art of
goodness’ – g. s. fraser
It has been a full and varied life ; but that , in itself , is not the’
point of the autobiography . The point is in the steady wisdom
the extreme sensitivity and the poetic illuminations of the
narrator…. his autobiography seems to me to be of quite
outstanding value , gentle and wise , modest , vivid and illuminating’ – rex warner
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